Advancing digital innovation responsibly
Karl Werder is an associate professor in the Section Digital Business Innovation of the IT University of Copenhagen, DK. He serves as an associated editor at the Communications of the Association for Information Systems and Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal, and as an editorial review board member for Decision Sciences Journal. Karl was a visiting scholar at Laval University, CA, and at Georgia State University, US. He served as an ad-hoc reviewer for many leading research journals in information systems, as well as independent research-supporting agencies such as US NSF and Rannís. Karl also provided his expert opinion to media outlets, such as IEEE Spectrum and BLOG@CACM.
Karl's research interests focus on systems development for performance, artificial intelligence for decision making, and organizing for digital innovation. His work has been published or is forthcoming in leading journals from information systems (e.g., Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems), software engineering (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Communications of the ACM, Information & Software Technology), and management (e.g., California Management Review), among others.
Werder, K., Cao, L., Ramesh, B. & Park, E. H. (2024). Empower Diversity in AI Development: Diversity Practices that Mitigate Social Biases from Creeping into Your AI. Communications of the ACM, 67(12), 31-34.
Bockelmann, T., Werder, K., Recker, J., Lehmann, J. & Bendig, D. (2024). Configuring Alliance Portfolios for Digital Innovation. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 33(1), 101808.
Park, E. H., Werder K., Cao, L. & Ramesh, B. (2022). Why do Family Members Reject AI in Health Care? Competing Effects of Emotions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(3), 765-792.
Jabbari, M., Recker, J., Green, P. & Werder, K. (2022). How do Individuals Understand Multiple Conceptual Modeling Scripts? Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(4), 1037-1070.
Werder K., Ramesh, B. & Zhang, R. (2022). Establishing Data Provenance for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Systems. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 13(2), No.:22.
Werder, K., Li, Y., Maedche, A. & Ramesh, B. (2021). Software Development Process Ambidexterity and Project Performance: A Coordination Cost-Effectiveness View. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 47(4), 836-849.
Werder, K., Seidel, S., Recker, J., Berente, N., Gibbs, J., Abboud, N., & Benzeghadi, Y. (2020). Data-Driven, Data-Informed, Data-Augmented: How Ubisoft’ s Ghost Recon Wildlands Live Unit Uses Data for Continuous Product Innovation. California Management Review, 62(3), 86-102.